Lately, I have been walking around in a bit of a surreal haze. The clock keeps ticking and the days are flying by. 11 Days till New York. If you were to catch a glimpse of me walking down the street, or sipping from my cup of coffee, you might wonder where precisely I am because you would see a far off look in my eyes. I am trying to pin memories to paper.. I am soaking up every "last before New York", the "last" time I will.. have a spontaneous photo session with my sisters, go to breakfast with my Dad, have my mom sit with me while I pack, walk into Arabica Lounge, visit to Le Panier with Katrina, adventure with Meg, chase pigeons with Morgan & Adam (wait I didn't do that?!), explore with Kelsey, hold a wee little Aice in my arms, look for treasures in a vintage store with Jen, spend time at the beach house with the Clines, go to a movie with Courtney, and on the list goes..
I don't know if it's because I am seeing everything around me with so much reverence right now or what.. but I feel ridiculously blessed. I keep asking myself "Is this my life or am I in a movie?" . Let me explain...
Friday evening at Elisa's birthday, dinner was followed by ice cream from Pepperdock, giants pulling chairs out of trees trees, finally settling in on Alki with a teeny tiny movie and the backdrop of the setting sun and sounds of waves..

Sunday, we had the Unger family over for dinner.. because the house was so toasty my Mom said we should just take the kitchen table into the garden. Why not? Everyone does that right? I felt as though I was a part of the eccentric/artistic Wellwood family, hosting one of their midsummer night parties from A.S. Byatt's The Children's Book. Next, I was sure I would be pulling a bottle of some sparkling beverage, out of the stream, where it was being kept cool..

Elisa hung mason jars in the cherry tree and the lights were still twinkling when I took one last look before going to bed. That night, I feel asleep with a contented smile on my face, wondering if the evening had a been a dream.

Tuesday evening was an Italian themed dinner, hosted by my lovely friends Meg and Katrina. I arrived to fresh limoncello drinks served in vintage glasses and then settled into the family room snacking on delicious appetizers while listening to Nat King Cole tunes float out of the record player...
I will forever cherish the conversations we had about dreams, "romantical", "Holly Lobby" and "photographers stalking sunrises"...

I consumed so many olives I was pretty sure I was going to explode...

Can you see how much I loved the Limoncello fancy drink?

Not only is this girl cute, but she sure can cook!! Thank you Meg for slaving away in the kitchen and make us such a delicious dinner.

Katrina helped me eat the olives.. and we talked... and talked... many rabbit trails.. my favorite. I had to keep the tears from bubbling up because at the back of my mind I kept thinking how much I will miss our conversations.. It is so rare that you find someone who challenges you creatively and is also willing to run with you down fantastic rabbit trails, laughing like a little child with eyes sparkling, at the treasure you just might uncover.

As I walked out the door that evening with my little Italian goodie bag in hand, I had to keep myself anchored to the pavement, because my head was in the clouds.. It was as though the girls knew just what my heart wanted most but I could have never put into words. So many moments lately have been magical and I feel utterly overwhelmed. I am storing each and every one of them away in my heart and will pull them out to keep me company on the rainy cold days that will inevitably come.
"To know that a choice will bring you life, and also bring you tears, and to choose it anyways - that is courage.
This is what I am learning from a particular couple of people in my life right now. To choose pain in order to bring you closer to another, or loneliness to come closer to a dream. Neither can be done without great strength, great love, and courage. To know this will hurt, and decide it is worth it." - Katrina Hope